Defensive driving tricks to be safer on roads!

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Being on the defensive side always does you lots of good! You tend to protect yourself from upcoming dangers and everyone stays safe this way. And being defensive while driving is actually the golden rule to be a better driver. You definitely don’t want anything to happen to your expensive vehicle while you are using it. Not to forget your own safety and that of others that might be at a risk if you aren’t being on the safer side!

Tips to practice defensive driving!

In Auckland, most car wreckers say that they receive the majority of vehicles badly damaged due to a road accident. And if we believe the research, more than average of these accidents happen due to improper or rash driving habits. So, just imagine the need to practise defensive driving to protect your car and yourself. And if you require the tips to know the best ways of defensive driving, read on.

o   Maintain a safe distance — Car crashes are the most common form of accidents. And the damage due to this can be so terrible, that you have to sell your car in Auckland to Scrap Cars. They accept such badly damaged vehicles and sell their working parts at lower rates. While you get a reasonable amount of sum in exchange for this. But naturally, you would never want that to happen. That is why it’s extremely necessary to prevent car crashes. And for this, you have to ensure that you are keeping safe distance from the vehicle ahead of you and also the one behind your automobile.

o   Keep a check on the rear mirror — Your rear mirror keeps you informed of the movements and directions of the vehicles following you. This information is extremely necessary if you want to halt the car safely and even take turns. So, rule number two is to keep an eye on your rear-view mirror always while driving.

o   Indicate and then halt or change the direction — The indicators in your car aren’t installed just like that. These perform an important task of letting the following and the adjacent cars know that you are going to press the brake or take a U-turn or are going to a side. This actually prevents lots of bumps and crashes between the vehicles even on the busiest roads.

o   Don’t touch your phone while driving — Your mobile phone is like your lover, you just can’t stay away from it even for some minutes. But if you are practising defensive driving sincerely, you have to keep your hands off this device at all costs while driving. No one minute talk or a second’s reply on chats is allowed. Because even a second’s negligence is enough to cause a big disaster.

o   Following the right rules of driving — By right rules of driving we mean, no over speeding, following the traffic directions while driving, and avoiding the no entry ways at all costs.

Being defensive doesn’t mean that you aren’t a confident or good driver. It actually means that you are wise enough to not to risk your favourite car and your life (and that of others) by just carelessly driving around. So, indulge in the defensive type of driving proudly!

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